Letter of 3/17/2020 Hey I'm on YouTube! Plus some other good Yoga stuff.
Hello Yoga Friends!
Thanks so much for all of the checking in. We are doing fine here at my house. Chris is mostly working from home, Dylan starts Digital Leaning Days today…that means homework and class work online and Goldie seems her usual happy dog self. I have been pondering a puppy or at least a second dog since we are all around the house. Googling dogs is much more fun than reading the news.
I have gotten some good suggestions about what I can share with you. I am happier if I am working…so it is nice to have a project.
My top priority yesterday was to get some videos filmed. Dylan and I moved the furniture in our playroom (and then I had to move some more to get the tripod to fit).
I rolled out my mat. I had my back pack and my attendance sheet and even made my favorite yoga-teaching tea. I tried to create the feeling that I was really teaching to YOU. And not just to my iPhone.
I recently watched a clip of Mr. Rogers when he had Julia Child on as a guest. He is so good at talking to "his friends at home". So, hopefully, you can practice and we can manifest a little bit of our special class time vibe.
I think we yogis are lucky because we have trained our bodies for years to relax. We have the skills! Even if you are feeling lethargic or over whelmed, just roll your mat out and roll around on the floor. Do whatever might pop into your your head or don’t do anything at all. It is all good. If you are trying to be more diligent in your practice…make your self a lesson plan. Write it down on a piece of paper ahead of time. It will help. Or pull out one of the practice sheets I have shared. I will be scanning some things to send and will stay in touch.
So, here’s the link to my YouTube channel. These are public so you can share them. But I am not totally ready to put them out there on Facebook. I just haven’t decided about it. I did not do any fancy editing and they may not be clear if you have not taken classes with me.
I have a few more videos to post and a few more ideas of things to share…
You can follow me on Facebook
Workout from home with Nikki
NY Times 6 minute workout
A free coloring book from Kripalu